Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Champlin, MN

Physical Therapy in Champlin, MNWhether you’re injured or dealing with a health conditions that leaves you in chronic pain – effective Chiropractic Care includes Physical Therapy. Physical therapy involves the use of deep heat, ice, traction and massage. These therapies help the doctor restore spinal alignment by relaxing muscle tension, reducing swelling, and smoothing inflamed tissues. Collectively these therapies play an important part in the healing process. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, consider contacting Achieve Chiropractic in Champlin, MN to discuss your options.

Physical Therapist Rehabilitation

This highly effective, yet minimally invasive, physical therapy rehabilitation approach offers relief from loss of mobility, feeling, function and pain due to chronic health diseases, the process of aging or injuries. Physical therapy is safe for all ages, from infancy to the elderly. Our therapists have the necessary training, education and experience to safely get you feeling and functioning better than ever before.

Benefits of Physical Therapy:

  • Lessen Pain
  • Decrease Inflammation
  • Improve Mobility and Strength
  • Benefits both Pre and Post-Surgical Recovery
  • Prevents Injuries
  • Reduce the need for Prescription Drugs

Customized Physical Therapy Treatment Plan

Each body responds differently to treatment, even the exact same rehabilitation process for one person will have different results for another. We treat our patients as unique individuals, because no two people are the same, therefore no two rehabilitation paths should be exactly the same. We have a vast selection of mobility exercises, strength conditioning movements and stretches that will aid your body in recovering as quickly and completely as possible.

Common Conditions Physical Therapy Treats:

  • Sports Related Injuries – When a competitive athlete becomes injured, the time spent recovering can often be more strenuous that the injury itself. Physical therapy can help speed up the rehabilitation process and allow for a more complete and confident recovery. In hopes that the injury/s sustained won’t haunt a player throughout their whole career or prevent them from their most passionate hobby.
  • Work Related Injuries – It is imperative that you do not overlook injuries you’ve sustained at work. Your job is your livelihood, puts food on the table and a roof over your loved ones. If your performance is declining due to injuries you’ve sustained on the job that your ignoring the results will show. Workman’s comp has been put in place to resolve the issues you have faced at work in the most effective way possible. Our physical therapists will diagnose, design, document and carry out a recover plan that will benefit both you and your employer by giving you the best chance at returning back to work – more capable than ever.
  • Personal Injuries – When dealing with personal injuries, a lawyer is not the only one you should seek out. The strategy you seek should be for your own personal recovery, first and foremost. But it is critical that you understand the quality and success of your recovery will be directly related as to how well you are reimbursed for your treatment efforts. Many studies show a tailored physical therapy program can be just as effective as surgery, but with less expense and recovery time necessary.
  • Chronic Pain – No matter the reason for your chronic pain the outcome is the same. Pain changes lives, especially when that pain is constant. We can offer pain management techniques and exercises that increase mobility, minimize inflammation and help you see a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Acute Pain – Acute pain is often a result of an injury. Injuries come in many shapes and sizes, which means treatment must also incorporate a variety of methods. Physical therapy, correctly tailored to an individual’s needs will fast-track the recover process and get you feeling better, faster.
  • Arthritis – This painful degenerative joint disease has a multitude of symptoms, from soreness to weakness, even loss of motion. Physical therapy can help improve your days and decrease the pain you feel. Don’t let arthritis limit you.
  • Fibromyalgia – Stretching and strengthening can help improve the painful and stiffening symptoms of fibromyalgia. Our physical therapists will partner with you to increase your strength and range of motion, so everyday life doesn’t have to be exhausting.
  • Strains/Sprains – Ligaments that have been twisted, over pulled or stretched become tight, inflamed and painful. With over 900 ligaments in the human body, chances are you will experience pain because of a damaged ligament at one time or another in your life. We are here for you and can help get you back to a comfortable state.

Contact Achieve Health to learn more about our holistic healthcare approaches and how they can help you, setting up an appointment by emailing or calling at 763-323-3456.