Does Research Support Chiropractic Care?

Research Supporting Chiropractic Care Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic treatment is both safe and effective.  The following are excerpts from a few of the more recent studies.  By examining the research supporting chiropractic care, you will find that...

Chiropractic Care For Whiplash Victims

Have You Been Involved In An Auto Accident? Most whiplash injuries occur while sitting stationary in your car, usually from a rear-end collision. They can also be caused by any force that causes your head to snap back and forth in a traumatic manner, even while...

Chiropractic Care For Whiplash

Have You Been Involved In An Auto Accident? Whiplash can be a very serious injury.  Chiropractic can help you with that.  We find out what is the source of your pain, and we come up with a personalized treatment plan that gets you the fastest relief of pain, using...